
Can I use the Mailrelay SMTP server with Thunderbird? You can use our SMTP server with any software.
You can find the login information to use the...
Can I send campaigns using the Mailrelay SMTP server and sendblaster?

You can use Sendblaster with our system, using our SMTP server.
You can find more information...

Can i send emails using the Mailrelay SMTP and Turbo Mailer? Yes, you can. In this tutorial you will find all the information you will need to enable the SMTP...
How can I send emails using Mailrelay by SMTP using SSL/TLS? You can use this option, with port 465, please find more information about it here:
Can I use the Mailrelay SMTP server with AcyMailing? You can use the Mailrelay SMTP server with AcyMailing, please read this tutorial to find...
How can I get statistical reports when sending campaigns using the Mailrelay SMTP server? This feature is very important, and very easy to use, you can find more information here: