Getting subscribers in Facebook

Getting subscribers in Facebook

You've created your fanpage and want to get subscribers in this network.
Thanks to the different apps that offers facebook , is a very simple task.
1. Enter WOOBOX .
2. Create a free account.
3. The platform will redirect you to Facebook .
4. Sign in to your Facebook profile.
5. Choose STATIC TABS.

6. Click on the link on the right to create a new TAB .
8. Go to your account MailRelay to get the code for your subscription form.
9. Paste the code in the white box.

10. You can add a message beginning with the advantages for subscribing to your newsletter .
11. Save your changes.
12. Customize the image to display on Facebook to reinforce your brand image.
13. Go to the TAB SETTINGS option .

14. Upload an image of 111 x 74 px .
15. When you finish customizing your new application , click the URL listed above.

It will take you to your new application and see the final result.

16. Now we just have to show it on your fanpage to start earning subscribers.
17. Go to your Fanpage and click on the option : More - Manage tabs .

18.- Arrastra tu nueva TAB hasta la posición que quieras.
19.- Guarda los cambios y ya tienes tu nueva pestaña para empezar a captar suscriptores.

You can get more information on this topic in this article: Integrate your subscription form on Facebook with Woobox